SWCD Board Members
Baker County is unique in that it consists of four individual SWCDs -Baker Valley, Keating, Eagle Valley and Burnt River (more than any other county in the state!)
A board of five or seven directors governs each district, and directors are elected by the electorate of their specific district.
Enter your address here to find your local SWCD, the zone you reside in, the representing board member, and the Soil and Water Commission member that represents your area.
Director positions are elected in staggered terms to provide continuity on the board and maintain consistent operations, and the board may appoint a person to fill a board vacancy between elections for the duration of that position’s term. (Read more about zone, at-large- and associate positions below!)
2024 Baker Valley Board of Directors
- Zone 1: Myron Miles, Vice Chair
- Zone 2: Deryl Leggett, Secretary/Treasurer
- Zone 3: Mike Williams
- Zone 4: Joel Rohner
- Zone 5: Dean Defrees, Chair
- At Large 1: Brent Thompson
- At Large 2: Tim Kerns
2024 Burnt River Board of Directors
- Zone 1: David Nygard, Chair
- Zone 2: Diana Fillmore, Vice Chair
- Zone 3: Bryan Hardy
- At Large 1: Robert Neuman
- At Large 2: Edward Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer
2024 Keating Board of Directors
- Zone 1: John Wirth, Secretary/Treasurer
- Zone 2: Eric Porter
- Zone 3: Curt Nelson, Vice Chair
- At Large 1: Scott Wilde
- At Large 2: Skyler Martin, Chair
- Associate Director: Holly McKim
2024 Eagle Valley Board of Directors
- Zone 1: Tom Smit
- Zone 2: Kyle Ransom, Secretary/ Treasurer
- Zone 3: Rick Jackson, Chair
- At Large: 1 Ron Still, Vice Chair
- At Large 2: Deven Thompson
- Associate Director: Mike Marlow

Board Member Details
Per Oregon statute, zone directors must own or manage 10 or more acres of land in the district, be involved in the active management of that property, reside within the boundaries of the district, and be a registered voter within that district.
An individual may serve as a zone director in lieu of land ownership or management requirements if the individual resides within the zone that is represented, has served at least one year as a Director or Associate Director and has a conservation plan approved by the SWCD Board. To qualify for an at-large position, a person must reside within the boundaries of the district and be a registered voter within that district.
Associate Directors are non-voting members of the District Board. They are appointed by the directors to serve as advisors and representatives. Associate directorship offers a way to educate potential directors, broaden community input to the District, and expand District programs.
An individual director has power only when acting as a part of the SWCD Board. Individual board members may be delegated authority or power to act on behalf of the Board in specific, limited tasks. This authority or power is granted through board action (resolution, motion, policy, etc.) and must be recorded in the meeting minutes.
The Board works cooperatively as a unit to plan and oversee implementing SWCD programs. As a representative of the Board, opinions expressed publicly by individual board members should be consistent with established board policy, not the individual’s personal agenda or opinions.
ORS 568.545 requires all SWCDs to select a Chair and Secretary from among its directors. SWCDs may elect other officers as desired.
The Chair is granted the responsibility to represent the SWCD with other districts, agencies, associations, partners, organizations, legislators, and property owners consistent with the policies, plans, and interests of the SWCD. The chair will also conduct regular and special meetings of the Board.
A Vice-Chair has been given the authority to act as the Chair in case of the absence or unavailability of the Chair.
The Secretary is the custodian of all SWCD records, minutes, contracts, and other official documents.
Committees are an effective way for the SWCD to plan and implement SWCD functions. They can be comprised of board members, associate directors, advisors, representatives of cooperating agencies and associations, or interested citizens.
For more information on SWCD Board Membership, please contact swcdwhitney@gmail.com.