Project Steps
So you have a potential project in mind for your property. What now?
Step 1. Contact your local SWCD office to get a site visit scheduled. Our Ag Technician will meet you at your place to tour the ground and discuss project goals. Depending on the size and scope of your project, SWCD staff will determine the funding pool and grant program that fits best.

Step 2. You will work closely with the Ag Technician and SWCD staff as we put together a grant application that outlines the project location, history of the site, current watershed concerns, goals, objectives, project activities, photos, maps and a detailed budget. Depending on the project, partnering agencies will be included and permits will be obtained by SWCD staff on your behalf.
*Note: all grant projects will require landowner match (25% minimum). This can be met by using cash or your labor during project installation.
Step 3. Once the application has been compiled, reviewed, and signed by you as the landowner, it will be submitted to the grant funder for review.
*Note: this step can take some time. Be patient! Do not begin the project or start purchasing supplies until you get the go ahead from SWCD staff.
Step 4. Once the review team has made their decision and you get the green light from SWCD staff, you will sign a Landowner Agreement and can begin purchasing supplies and installing project components. Landowners can do the work themselves, or hire a contractor. SWCD staff can help with project contracting, if needed. The Ag Tech will keep in close contact with you during this process, and will make routine site visits during project implementation. The SWCD will also request funds on your behalf as the project moves forward, as well as seek approval from the grant funder if any changes to the project need to be made.
*Note: be sure to save and organize ALL of your receipts, invoices, and timesheets!

Step 5. Once the project is installed in its entirety, the Ag Tech will make a final site visit and take photos of all project components. These photos, along with a comprehensive Project Completion Report and Final Request for Release of Funds will be sent to the grant funder for final approval and close-out.

Step 6. As a condition of the grant, SWCD staff will be required to monitor the project for at least two years after completion. Photos and a Monitoring Report will be submitted to the funder. The landowner will then be responsible for maintaining the project for up to a minimum of 10 years (all of this information is outlined in the SWCD Landowner Agreement).
Step 7. Spread the word and continue to be a good steward of the land!