Lower Powder SIA
The Lower Powder Strategic Implementation Area (SIA) is a 75,415-acre area consisting of four individual drainages; Balm Creek, Five Mile Creek, Maiden Gulch and Goose Cree, as well as multiple tributaries to the Powder River. The Keating SWCD worked with the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Water Quality Program to identify this SIA and to focus restoration and outreach efforts in this section of the Powder River Watershed. As part of the SIA grant, Keating SWCD staff have been conducting stream sampling and monitoring over the last two years (2021-current) on these four drainages.
Water samples are tested for pH, Total Suspended Solids, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Phosphate, Nitrate/Nitrite, E.coli, and Temperature; data is presented to both Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and ODA on an annual basis. Oregon DEQ and the local “community” of landowners, agencies and districts are currently working on rules for establishing a Total Daily Maximum Load (TMDL) to address high levels of bacteria in the Powder River. The data collected, along with the water quality improvement efforts within the Lower Powder SIA will not only improve the Powder River Watershed, but will be a beneficial resource as the TMDL rulemaking process continues.
The SIA will allow the Keating SWCD to coordinate technical assistance partnerships, implement landowner outreach, conduct stream monitoring, and help landowners implement projects for the improvement of water quality in these key watersheds. Project partners include; ODA, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).