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Eagle Valley SWCD

Established in 1944, the Eagle Valley Soil and Water Conservation District is located in Baker County in Northeast Oregon.  Baker County is unique in that it consists of four individual soil and water districts; Baker Valley, Keating, Eagle Valley and Burnt River.  

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Map of Baker County SWCDs

These four districts vary widely when it comes to geography, population, commodities and even weather, however they share the same overall objective:

"To promote sustainable agriculture through the protection, restoration and conservation of natural resources."
Long Range Plan

The Eagle Valley SWCD directs resource management programs at the local level by working with private landowners and partnering agencies to carry out projects for the conservation, wise-use and development of our natural resources.

Staff time is split between the four districts, however each district is comprised of their own Board of Directors.  All members are publicly elected officials, and represent a specific zone or at-large area within the district boundary.  The Eagle Valley Board of Directors is comprised of six members; three zone positions, two at large positions and one associate member.

Associate Directors are non-voting members of the District Board. They are appointed by the directors to serve as advisors and representatives.  Associate directorship offers a way to educate potential directors, broaden community input to the district, and expand district programs.

The SWCDs are prepared to provide technical assistance in any capacity, however the main resource concerns addressed in Baker County are:

  1. Water Quality Improvement
  2. Erosion and Soil Protection
  3. Off-Channel Livestock Watering
  4. Irrigation Efficiency  
  5. Habitat and Riparian Restoration
  6. Fish Passage
May contain: land, nature, outdoors, plant, tree, vegetation, woodland, grove, grass, park, and aerial view
Thad Leep Fish Passage - Large Project in Eagle Valley